PDF The Montessori Toddler A Parent Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being eBook Simone Davies Hiyoko Imai

By Sisca R. Bakara on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PDF The Montessori Toddler A Parent Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being eBook Simone Davies Hiyoko Imai

Product details

  • File Size 31912 KB
  • Print Length 256 pages
  • Publisher Workman Publishing Company (March 19, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 19, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Montessori Toddler A Parent Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being eBook Simone Davies Hiyoko Imai Reviews

  • This book truly is exceptional. Other readers have commented on it being life changing, and I do believe that to be so. I am in the early stages of the book as well, and have thumbed through it. Well organized and beautifully written--except I find it very difficult to read anything that addresses a singular noun and then keeps jumping to plural. " If your child"...."they". The early pages are rife with this. Just make a comment at the beginning of the book that you will refer to he or she throughout.

    That said, I like the way the author refers to the toddler psyche. Toddlers don't have a mean bone in their body, for example. So true. It really has helped me remain so calm when our little toddler begins to have a toddler melt down. These are very few in occurrence and I think the advice this book shares contributes to her well being.
  • Toddlers are torn; they want to help, and don't, want to cuddle, and be left alone. They are wise and yet irrational. This is a much needed book among "Montessori" parenting books. Many of these talk about setting up activities for academics, this book is about setting up the home environment for success and growth in all areas. And, because the needs of toddlers are unique, it is geared for parents during this wonderful, complex period.

    Any parent of any toddler will learn so much, AND the book itself is lovely!
  • I bought this book to have a clearer understanding of how to prepare my toddler for Montessori preschool. I figured it would be easier on her if I already used a few methods at home instead of enrolling her in a school where everything is different than she is used to. The layout made the Book very easy to read and mark ideas I want to incorporate or revisit. An unexpected bonus is it gave me a better understanding that the "montessori" pre-schools that I have toured locally are not up to snuff and I feel more knowledgeable about what I am looking for in a quality Montessori program.
  • This book has been a total life changer for my family and I! Even though we are well versed in Montessori, Simone's book gives fantastic practical tips for dealing with the 'challenging toddler years' in a downright gorgeous layout. She offers tools and tips that not many other books do, such as specific language recommendations or age appropriate activities. We were fortunate to get this book one year ago (from Kickstarter) and it has made all the difference in approaching the 'terrible twos' (which are really more like the 'talismanic twos'!) Our son has become an example to other families and we are so grateful to Simone for providing us the tools to parent compassionately and truly follow our child. This book is an absolute must have for raising a toddler, montessori or not.
  • My son just turned one and I was originally interested in this book because it mentioned raising "curious and responsible human beings" which is very much what I want. I am so glad I bought it! The book is very easy to read, has excellent recommendations for activities and ways to adapt everyday chores to allow toddlers to participate. I just really like the philosophy or treating toddlers with respect and giving them independence to be themselves and develop at their own pace. I have already recommended this book to other mom friends )
  • I am only 24 pages in and I am loving this. Davies write in such a concise and clear way to teach readers about the Montessori approach! The layout of the book is simple, organized, and easy to navigate. I can’t wait to dig in further!
  • i really love this book. it has everything you need for new parents and parents of toddlers.

    it teaches you the montessori way of doing things at school and it inspires me to use the ideas at home when they are not at school, even if they don't go to a montessori school during the day.

    it also has tips for parents towards the back of the book, which i appreciated very much. This book is not just about toddlers but its for the parents of toddlers as well. Every new and current parent can use the insights in this book if they want to have ideas on how to improve or change the way they parent. You really need to have an open mind about it going in or else there's no need.

    it has book recommendations too and diff books mentioned throughout the book that has a brief tip on what that book is teaching. which is great because you don't need to be reading all the diff parenting books.
  • This is so much more than a book about Toddlers. The strategies and information that Simone Davis shares with her readers have the ability to transform your home life. She truly has a gift for changing one's perspective of the early stages of life. As a mom of 3 and Montessori program director, I encourage everyone I meet to get a copy of this amazing guide!